Closed Bug 690386 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

Please design graphic to be used with Affiliates launch materials


(Marketing :: Design, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chelsea, Assigned: tyronflanagan)




(3 files)

We need an image for a startpage snippet, Mozilla & You, Facebook post and what's new promo for the Affiliates launch mid-October. I'm a little stumped on how to represent it, but here's a link to the dev site to see how the program looks:

Ideally, we'd get this image around October 15, but there is some wiggle room.

Associated copy bug is bug 690382.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks!
I'm ccing Mardi Douglass on this bug. She's a volunteer who is helping me out with the Affiliates launch and I'm showing her the Mozilla ropes.
No longer depends on: 690382
Just an addition. It looks like we may be able to get a large what's new promo as well, so it would be fantastico if that could be arranged for the end of October.

Hey Chelsea! Here are my suggestions:

* Snippets: Use the speakerphone graphic.  We've done this before and the graphic is ready.

* Mozilla & You: If this is a small promo, the speaker phone works here as well.  Alternatively, we can take the green curly dude and crop him at the bust to turn him into a smaller promo graphic.

* Facebook post:  same comment/options as above.  Facebook has updated their feeds so pictures are now way bigger. I'm not sure how this relates to thumbnails attached to a link (I think those stay the same).  So, depending on how pictures are handled with posts (William can confirm) we can scale up or down as appropriate.  Regardless, I'd still focus on a cropped graphic as described above.

* What's new promo [small]: again, similar direction as above.
* What's new promo [big]:  similar to above, except that we have more space to play with and scale up curly.

Additional note:  I can't click around the site, so all I've seen is the homepage with the green dude as the mascot.  I think for some of these it might be nice to use images of the affiliate buttons themselves... but without seeing what we've got... I'd hesitate to suggest that since they can easily busy up the design.

Let me know how all this sounds, and I'll get someone on this to help out.
Depends on: 690382
Also, please provide the specs for the Mozilla & You promo.
Hey Tara, 

Thanks for the feedback. The speaker-dude would be perfect and all the better if he's ready to go.

I'm getting the Mozilla & You dimensions from WB now. 

In terms of using the buttons, they will be the mobile, plugin or desktop buttons we've been working on (like these). However, some of the promotions will be localized, so it might be smarter to go with the character than the button to avoid confusion. 

Sound good?
OKay, dimensions for Mozilla & You: 222px (wide) by 52 (high)

handing off to master Ty
Assignee: tshahian → tyronflanagan
That works for me for the snippet.
Hey guys - 

Sorry.  there was so confusion regarding newsletter graphics.  I misunderstood what Chelsea was asking or.  We actually need two graphics and the dimensions should be the following:

1 image for the sidebar: Around 140 x 140
1 large image for the body: 350 wide and height no greater than 195

Apologies for the confusion.
Copy for the what's new promo is done

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Blocks: 693627
Blocks: 693631
Ty: Update on the What's New design - Please design for the lower promo trio, not the larger upper area. Thanks!
Love it Ty! Thank you.
Great stuff, thanks Ty.
\o/ Ty!
Closed: 13 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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